Game and Contest: Who Is the Most Clueless of Them All?


Dear Gentle Reader:

It’s full confession time. Remember the blog review about Kresley Cole’s A Hunger Like No Other? And how I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep? I got up early and rushed to get to my office. When I was walking from my parking garage to my office, I noticed that there was something wrong with my gait. As I looked down at my shoes, the awful realization rushed up to meet me. I had two different shoes. One blue and one black. I hurried to my office, grateful that it was early and no one else was around. I stayed in my office and skipped lunch because I didn’t want to go out into the masses with my mismatched shoes.

As I related this story to my friend, Jay, she responded in kind with a story of her own. Jay first started reading contemporary romances. She loved Kasey Michael stories and had exhausted her TBR pile of them. When she went to the book store, she picked up The Kissing Game and began to read. It wasn’t until about 1/3 of the way inthat Jay realized she was reading a historical novel. I told her that she was more clueless than I. She retorted with an “I know, but what are you” comment. There was no agreement between the two of us and therefore you be the judge.

The two Ja(y)nes then thought that a contest should be included. In the comments section, post your most clueless event and the winner (as determined by the two Ja(y)nes) will get a copy of the 1988 paperback book that Jane blogged about previously: Hustle, Sweet Love by Maggie Davis.

Best regards,


By Jane Litte

0 comments on “Game and Contest: Who Is the Most Clueless of Them All?

  1. Wow Jane, those are some pointy toed shoes. How high are the heels? Frankly, I can’t remember the last time I wore heels. I just love my job that not only allows me to wear tennis shoes but which actually smiles on the practice.

  2. Well, I voted for Jane because I’ve done the same thing – sort of. Once I stayed up reading so late when I got up the next morning I was so tired I sprayed hair spray under my arms and deorderant on my hair. And I’ve done the shoe thing too. Luckily I wear runners to work and have my good shoes under my desk. It was after about an hour I noticed the different gait but since both pair were there, I could easily fix it.

  3. I voted for Jane, because I’ve read a bunch of Regencies where it wasn’t really clear it was a Regency, unless there was a date at the top you wouldn’t know.

    The shoe thing? With the tassel, no less? I think that’s a little more obvious.

  4. Well,

    I remember waking up and rushing to work and finding that I had worn two different colored socks – one blue, one black. Thank GOD that I had on a pair of long slacks. I was fit to be tied when I came home and saw what I did.

  5. Like Keishon I once wore one blue and one black sock, but they were KNEE socks and I was wearing a skirt! I was in high school and knee socks were all the rage. So embarrassing. I didn’t discover it until 3rd period gym class. I had nothing to change into so wore them all day.

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